Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hey! Did you watch TV last night!?

Today I write to reflect on my viewing of the media. With all late night television shows back for new seasons I have once again found myself scheduling time for the TV. On Tuesday nights you will find me in the R4 common room, centre chair, control in my hand, watching the new season of House. I have decided to reflect on this decision and why I so promptly and surely make time for this show.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the television show House, it is a comedy drama involving Dr. House and his medical team, having to diagnose patients with whichever disease or medical condition they have. These conditions are often out of the ordinary and life threatening if not solved. Dr. House is an older, male doctor, willing to take risks and break the rules. His sarcasm and atypical methods of treatment are a main focus within the show. His team is there to help him diagnosis and treat patients. The audience watches the four individuals squabble over ideas and different methods, and leave them to guess if the treatment will work. It all makes for a very interesting show that draws not only me, but other students on my floor to the common room every Tuesday at 9pm.

Why? Why do we put everything aside and make time for this made up show? I suppose the answers could be endless, the audience could be bored, could enjoy drama, could have a crush on an actor or actress, could simply enjoy the entertainment, etc. I want to see why we do this through the eyes of a media determinist. Perhaps they would say that we are drawn in by entertainment. Society has grown to love entertainment and after a long day at work or school, the television provides an opportunity to free yourself from reality and to get away to entertainment. Perchance the reason is that our culture has developed this act as a norm. We may not fully enjoy the show, or need it by any means, but our culture and society have developed this as an important part of its foundation. We need to watch the television in order to hold conversation with people, is it not always the topic of conversation? What was on TV last night? Did you see that episode!? The media can determine what is important and at this present time entertainment is key. We discuss what entertains us. This is evident in the large number of entertainment magazines and ads being constantly present in society.

I do not see the harm in relaxing by watching TV. I do not see the harm in enjoying a drama or plot line. I think the real issue is when we become obsessive. When people feel that without the show, life is not complete, that nothing comes before it. I have even had friends feel they are part of the show! The separation of reality and fantasy has to be made.
I do believe that society has placed these shows as an important part of everyday life. People must focus on what is best for them and their time, not on how society tells you to spend your time.

I myself feel that I am still in control of my television watching. Although House is a great show and I enjoy it tremendously, I still know where my priorities lay and I am able to distinguish a television show from real life. I will not let the media determine how I spend my time.

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