Culture Jamming is a fun and amusing concept to me. I say, it really does have the power to catch people’s perception, and perhaps awaken the dulled senses of relentless ad consumers.
Various statements made in the article caught my attention. Firstly, the acknowledgement that people are CHOOSING to watch television over reading books. All the greatest books, newspapers and magazines are available for purchase or rent at local bookstores and libraries, yet citizens choose to watch the information, opposed to reading it for themselves. I myself fall into this category of individuals and question why I do such a thing? I suppose it has to do with society’s development of time within a day. Television produces information faster, with easier access, and less activity on the part of the viewer. In the busy Western culture, “time is money” and greatly dictates our actions. Is this why we are choosing to watch television over reading books? I believe so. Only if we are looking for specific information or a narrative on a particular topic will we turn to books as a resource.
The second statement I agree with is that “the theatricalization of American life is the major cultural transformation of this century”. I find that Canada and the United States largely, play up to this statement. Everything within society has some form of theatre or drama presented with it. Whether, it is telling someone they act or look like an actress, the continuous quoting of favourite television shows, or presenting news as a form of entertainment, opposed to objective information about the world, society has become a theatre of entertainment.
I also agree that our culture has become predominantly image oriented and yet we have no education on how to deal with such a society. In a typographic culture, people were able to comprehend and live within the culture because reading and writing were the two main focuses within education. Western culture has shifted to focus on a new basis being images, and we have done nothing to prepare or explain this transformation.
This would be directly related to television and advertisements abusing its viewers. If people are uninformed of how to cope and deal with a new techonology of course it will be abused, along with it abusing the user.
Although I had heard of Culture Jamming before, I was unaware of the numerous activities and actions it included. I have seen billboard banditry and the Disney Video on copyright, shown in class, is kind of Audio Agitrop, but is simply used to explain copyright. While at the subway station this past weekend, I also witnessed subvertising. The toilet paper dispensers used Kleenex as their paper brand, and the dispensers were all stickered saying, "Kleercut WARNING! Contains clearcut ancient forests"
I looked up other Culture Jamming examples, and found that so many people are involved in this activity, it is almost a way of life for some. I was able to find some videos of culture jamming, involving media hoaxing, and numerous subvertisements, and billboard banditry. Here are a few examples I found: (Abrupt, 1996)
This link, leads you to a CNN news story regarding the culture jamming ads the Chevy Tahoe recieved during an ad campaign,
I enjoy the concept of culture jamming and feel that it is a peaceful, yet efficient way of getting a message across.
The people of society, must become informed and knowledgeable about what is happening. It is only through their education can we assist them in seeing the truth.
English, Ron. "Billboards." The Art and Crime of Ron English. 2007. 14 Nov. 2007 <>.
Abrupt. Culture Jamming. 1996. 14 Nov. 2007 <>.
Dery, Mark. "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs." Pyrotechnic Insanitarium.unknown date. 14 Nov. 2007 <>.
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