Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mise en Abyme

The day has come!

Semiotic papers have all been handed in to Mark and Ian, and out of the hands of worried students. Although, there was quite a few individuals missing in class today. Hehe.

Today in class we discussed the process of our writing. Mise en Abyme - reflective writing where you write about what writing was like. This is my blog:

Analyzing my advertisement was an educational experience. I learned just how much effort goes into the creation of endorsement ads- and it is a lot!

I have always known that advertisements have more than just their face value to be considered, however, it never really hits you just how much is said until you sit down and stare at the image for a few days. After much analysis and contemplation, I feel I was able to produce a respectable semiotic essay.

While studying my image I began to think of my analysis and how I argued that particular items showed discrimination, and how other public viewers wrote in arguing their own personal concerns with the image. This lead to the question, what do people expect? All I hear about is people being dissatisfied or insulted by commercial advertisements, no one ever compliments them or writes in to say this is a wonderful promotion. So I am asking, what do people want? If a blonde woman is put in an advertisement, woman may write in saying how this is stereotypical or discriminatory. However, if a brunette was placed in the ad, couldn’t a blonde write in saying the same thing? This confuses me. I feel that no matter what, someone somewhere is going to have a problem.

This has led me to the conclusion that perhaps the advertisements considered racist or sexist are not all bad. I pose the question, what makes viewers automatically think of these racist and sexist ideals? I feel that sometimes people are over analyzing things, or looking at things only in the negative light. If a man is smiling at a woman, why can’t it just be that he is happy? Or that he likes the woman? Usually, it is suggested that the male is trying to hit on the woman. Similarly, why do large breasts on a woman automatically mean she is “skanky”? Some woman have large breasts! I am aware that often these features are exaggerated and there in is why people complain, but I feel that sometimes people need to relax.

I also feel that it is silly of woman to say they are objectified, and preyed on, if they live up to it! If woman do not want to be illustrated as sluts, than don’t act like them. Again, I understand that some girls do not mind the classification and other do because they are not part of it, but do not contradict yourself.

Moreover, I feel that it is rather silly of people to assume everyone is the same. Through daily life experience, it is easy to tell that people have very different styles, personalities and ways of life. I agree that advertisements can be bad, and at times are truly insulting and over the top. However, I also feel that there is something wrong with our society, if people are led to fully believe these images. Alcohol will not give you sexual powers, cigarettes will not earn you friends and clothes do not make you a better person! Why do people believe these naïve ideologies?

The way individuals are raised will have a lot to do with this. I therefore suggest, that students begin at a young age, looking at the concept of media and media education. The advertising business is by no means going to end, or stop their cruel ads anytime soon, and so we must approach the situation from a different route. Let us begin to raise a society that is aware, and knowledgeable about the media’s influence, one willing to change the current standards.

Moreover, we also discussed in class today, culture jamming. I was fascinated by Ron English’s work. I wish I was able to be part of something like that, perhaps one day I will. I feel he presents a good idea and reflection on how people are so use to advertising and desensitized to its power. I hope people take notice of it and reflect on their media awareness.

Overall, class was marvelous. Its November 7th!!! One month left!

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