Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Film/Video Production

For our final task in mass communications, Sam, Stephanie and I decided to create a small film about the Humber Residence washrooms on R4. R4 is our floor, and the washroom is co-ed.Residents on our floor are often complaining about the state of cleanliness the washrooms are kept in. We intended for our film to be a short, inside look at the state of the washrooms. Perhaps to show our RA or other residents and raise awareness about the issue at hand.

In the process, I did most of the camera work, Sam was the narrator and Stephanie wrote out the script and assisted in camera work. We began with a description of the place and the problem we had. Sam then led us into the washroom to get a first hand look at the mess. Furthermore, we interviewed individuals in the washroom and asked them their opinion on the washrooms tidiness. We concluded by asking those using the washroom to clean up after themselves and be respectful of the other individuals using the washroom. We were unable to load the video on to our blogs, however we captured some images that were used in the video.

From this experience I learned that hygiene and cleanliness is a very personal and self-interpreting matter. Some residents felt that the washrooms were in fine condition, while others were disgusted. This may be because the washroom is co-ed and it is typical of boys and girls to have different expectations regarding the washroom's appearance and condition. I personally feel that the washrooms are cleaned well, and very often, it is simply the people who are using them that chose to mistreat them.

One of the reasons we chose to focus on health, cleanliness and the washroom was due to the issue of germs and health. We were influenced by this topic, as it is a prevalent and important topic within society. Especially with winter approaching and so many people interacting at Christmas, some people become paranoid about germs. In society today, it is not unusual to see individuals carrying around small bottles of Purell, or wipes, to wash their hands or face after coming in contact with another person, or a 'dirty' surface. Stores and offices are also installing small sanitation stations for customers and clients to use. Numerous commercials warn about the flu, HPV, and encourage washing your hands. We mention these issues within the video and hope to influence some people to take necessary precautions.

Within our production we wanted to simply illustrate and depict the truth about the state of the washroom, and about the benefits and consequences of keeping it clean. We make suggestions such as always washing your hands, wearing proper footwear, keeping the place orderly, cleaning up after yourself and flushing. We stated a few facts and figures to attract attention and give the film some authority.

Overall, I feel that the film was a success and a funny experience. We all agree that a lot goes into the creation of a film; angles, sound, images, background noise, lighting. It was fun and educational.

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