Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Timeline of Social/Media/History

For this particular project, Samantha, Stephanie and I used our image curation slideshow to illustrate the key technological inventions we felt were important. The slideshow displayed the Evolution of Media, and so it began with the development of the phonetic alphabet all the way to the Internet and present day communication technologies. Each of us had our own interpretation of inventions that were key to the development of culture. For the most part, we did agree that the phonetic alphabet and printing press were of significant impact. I felt that the development of the phonetic alphabet, the printing press, the camera and the television were key instruments in social movements and influencing their environment.

We did have a small discussion on media ecology and the idea that technology plays a significant role in human affairs and development. In each of the following examples of media inventions, I also illustrated how the media provides structure and direction to its given society. Communication media has significant impacts on the people that surround it. I begin with the development of the phonetic alphabet;

The development of the phonetic alphabet led to the strengthening and development of small bureaucracies. Authority over land was firmly established with the written word. Records created documents, laws and permanence of a leader. People were able to communicate ideas and concepts on a new level. Memory was stronger, and history solid.

Secondly, the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1445, can be attributed to the spread of knowledge and propaganda. Large-scale productions of books and newspapers could be printed and distributed. People challenged those in power as new ideas and concepts floated around. This invention also added to the impact of the Renaissance. It significantly contributed to the many ideas and new abstract thoughts already being spread. The protestant reformation began, initiating a number of issues regarding the church and social class. The demand for books grew. The printing press greatly impacted people on a social level.

The third key media invention I chose was the camera. The first photographic image was taken in 1826, taking eight long hours to process. Today camera’s are digital and can be captured and printed in mere seconds. Since 1826, the camera has had many purposes, including simple self-portraits, family portraits and artistic endeavours. However, I feel that the camera is an important cultural invention. The camera has been used to create many social movements. Images of war brought home caused outrage and protests such as in Vietnam. Images of poverty stricken families within the American culture have shocked citizens living comfortably and well off, initiating actions to improve the quality of life for Americans. The camera was responsible for creating a whole new form of art. The art of painting was pushed aside as photographs came to be the new artistic delight.
Images captured of war, disease, far off countries and other cultures have all influenced society. Moreover, it gave way to the advertising business. Photographs have become part of everyday life. It is hard not to see a photograph or advertisement when out in public. The camera has become an important figure in Western culture.

Lastly, I feel that the media invention of the television is significant in the Civil Rights movement. In the early 1950’s, television broadcasting was improved and it became the dominant mass media throughout the 50’s. Moreover, the Civil Rights movement had its peaking moment between 1955 and 1965. I feel that this is because the growing popularity in television allowed viewers at home to witness what was happening. Speeches by Martin Luther King Jr. were aired; riots and protests were also publicized on the television. The growing influence of Martin Luther King Jr, was spread across the country with the help of television. This media invention brought these civil right issues into the home of all citizens.

In conclusion, these are four key media inventions, each having their own significant impact on society.

Kingwood College Library. American Cultural History. 1998. 27 Nov. 2007 < http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/decade50.html#tv>.

Media Ecology Association. What is Media Ecology? 2007. 27 Nov. 2007 < http://www.media-ecology.org/media_ecology/>.

Annaberg Media. Renaissance. 2005. 27 Nov. 2007 < http://www.learner.org/interactives/renaissance/printing.html>.

The University of Texas. The First Photograph. 2007. 27 Nov. 2007 < http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/wfp/>.

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